Quotes .....

There never was, there never will be, a man who is always praised, or a man who is always blamed....

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The History of Administration of Criminal Justice of Sri Lanka

Can be examine under five distinct periods.
  1. Period before the European Powers Occupied the Island. [6th B.C. - 15th A.D.]
  2. Period during the Portuguese Occupation. [1505 A.D. - 1656 A.D.]
  3. Period during the Dutch Occupation. [1656 A.D. - 1796 A.D.]
  4. Period during the British Occupation. [1796 A.D. - 1948 A.D.]
  5. Period after Independence and up to the present time. [1948 A.D. - ]
To be continued....

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