In a couple of hours year 2011 will be no more. 31st December is always the most memorable day of the year other than the 1st of January.
If people never came up with time, day, year and Calender concept it is nothing. But they came up with the concept and continued. It's good thing alright.
But what if we can re-invent the time. It is what most of the successful or innovative people have done. They simple do not go with the common peoples timing.
In other words, what media says is not always the best. Each and everyone should think and know what is best for them without blindly following the TV, Radio or Facebook. It's always a good day to summarize the activities happened during the year and identify the pattens.
Have you done what you need to do this year? or are you one of the people who blindly follow the others or are you one of the rare people who keep your own track of timing and do what is best for you and the society?
If you haven't thought about this ....Start afresh! Be the unique person who will achieve all the set aims for the time you set for yourself.
Adios 2011!!
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