When a human grow older and older they get wiser and wiser. That is because they unknowingly receive experiences in every second of their stay in the Earth. That may be the reason it says “Old is gold”.
Modern humans or the Home sapience also have a mechanism to get wiser and wiser through every generation they pass to reach the present status. That is called “teaching” or passing once hardly earned knowledge to another who may not even had the situation the other had to learn it in the natural way and more probably be never be able to learn the fact through his life, if this “teaching” mechanism doesn’t exist.
Well you may say then what if that second person doesn’t receive that knowledge which he never be able to use in his life time. Well the point is to pass the knowledge once known to others in the hope that some one in this eternal life chain will one day need that precious information. It doesn’t matter if it comes in a year later or trillions of years late that the needed fact is there.
As always there is this probability that what if some careless person in between the line get struck. So, can we say that this mechanism is error proofed? Well…. Well…… the nature gives another name for that error message. It’s called the destiny. There is no pre- molded rule as to say that this has to be occurring in this particular way.